Windows includes a built-in iSCSI Initiator, it can be configured by opening the iSCSI Initiator Properties utility. Follow these instructions to configure an iSCSI connection to your SymplyPRO Ethernet appliance or Bridge.

  1. Open iSCSI Initiator from the Windows Start Menu
  2. Click on the Discovery tab at the top of the window
  3. Click on the Discover Portal... button
  4. Enter the IP of the Data Port you're connecting to (e.g. DP1 = and click OK
  5. Now click on the Targets tab at the top of the window, select the target you wish to connect to and click the Connect button
  6. Click the Advanced button
  7. Use the drop-down menus to select the correct settings for your network setup
  8. In this example the Local adapter is Microsoft iSCSI Initiator, the Initiator IP (i.e. the client computer's IP) is and the Target portal IP is / 3260
  9. Click OK to exit the Advanced setup, then click OK again to exit the iSCSI Initiator Properties setup

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